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Rottweiler SERBIA

Không mở trả lời sau này.
Em này tên DINGO,cha của em này là IGOR VON HAUSE DJURDJU LOV.Rất nổi tiếng đã đạt nhiều danh hiệu.
ADULT champion of Serbia,of Bosnia Internation champion,young champion of Serbia.
V_1 Rott Special Show.
First line in Kulb Sieger 2005.
Ông nội của DINGO là Bronko od Dragicenica.Đoạt World champion cùng với nhiều danh hiệu khác.



Có vẻ như đối tượng này lọt vào tầm ngắm của bác Hùng rồi nhỉ? Cho nó về đoàn tụ đi anh? :D
Đến khi nào bị cạo trọc đầu và bị đuổi ra khỏi nhà thì lúc đó em nó mới về đoàn tụ đc.............


New Member
chào cả nhà ! em là thành viên mới xin được chỉ giáo. em rất mê Rott thấy anh hungtrungyen post con này chịu không nổi . phải nói là quá đẹp.
Bác Hùng post lên để mọi người cùng thưởng thức thôi.Chứ những chú nổi danh như vậy thì sức mấy mà về VN đc. Dính vào nó phải thuộc đẳng cấp Pro rồi bác Hùng nhẩy. Lơ mơ sờ vào không khéo đứt tay như chơi ý chứ :D:D:D

Mà em thấy cũng lạ. Dân chơi Rott Vn thích chơi Rott cao nhưng lại thích đầu thủ to đoành, vuông vức, trán gãy gập, mõm ngắn tũn, mình phải dày cồm cộp híc híc .... Không biết các bác thấy sao chứ em thấy bên nước ngoài họ toàn chơi dòng lùn là chính. Nhìn cứ gọi là phê tít.
Cũng chính vì sở thích râu ông nọ cắm cầm bà kia như vậy nên mới đẻ ra cái chuyện lấy Rott cao nhẩy với Rott lùn hòng kiếm bộ khung của Rott cao, cái mặt của Rott lùn. Nên có lắm chuyện ly kỳ đáo để.
Theo em thấy chắc rồi những người đam mê Rott cũng sẽ chuyển sang dòng lùn mất thôi, vì đi đâu ngồi đâu cũng thấy bàn tán về nhũng đặc điểm rất đặc trưng của Rott lùn. Cái mà mọi người không tìm thấy ở Rott cao các bác nhẩy


Rốt lùn nhiều quá tủi thân ghê. Thôi post mấy ảnh rốt cao roman rốt lên 1 tý vậy . Bọn này được cái dáng cao to chứ đầu thủ kém hơn rốt lùn
ản rốt cao con
rốt cao trưởng thành


Giờ đến rốt cao VN vậy
Đây là con bố và anh con zac nhà tớ rốt cao VN

Và zac nhà tớ rốt cao VN
góc này nhìn giống bố



Uớc lượng con zac khoảng 50kg bạn ah, nó còn non khoảng 15 tháng . Bố và anh nó đều to hơn nótầm 60kg


Chuyên gia rottweiler
em xin tiếp nối anh hungtrungyen tiết mục Rott in serbia . em này là em trai của Dingo



em thì em vẫn khoái rot lùn.nhìn bộ thủ thế mới đã,nhưng hình như việt nam mình toàn rôt cao thì phải


Chuyên gia rottweiler
em đọc tài liệu về Rott của FCI thì không thấy họ đề cập gì tới lùn hay cao . chỉ là cao từ 24-27 inch ( 61 - 69 ) cho giống đực nhưng những con cao trên 68cm và thấp hơn 64cm là rất hiếm. về hình dáng và khung xương thì những con đẹp đều có những thân hình cơ bắp và đầu mõm hài hoà với cơ thể . nhìn chung giống như người mình vậy có người thấp người cao .


Có 2 dòng rốt là roman rotweiller là rốt cao ( rốt mỹ) và standard rotweiller rốt lùn ( rốt đức) bạn có thể tham khảo trên mạng tìm từ khoá roman rốt
xin phép dẫn đường link ko vi rus về rốt cao roman rốt: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/romanrottweiler.htm theo nó dòng lớn rốt cao là 72-74cm chiều cao còn siêu lớn là trên 76cm còn tối thiểu của dòng cao là 67-69cm rồi.
còn đây là đường link so sánh rốt cao và rốt tiêu chuẩn ( rốt lùn chăng theo cách gọi VN)http://www.colossalrottweilers.com/romanrottweiler.html; http://www.colossalrottweilers.com/
Bạn nào có chuyên môn tiếng anh dịch dùm thì hay quá


Còn đây là bản tiếng anh về roman rốt và standard rốt
The Roman Rottweiler is generally the same as standard Rottweilers only more mastiff like/flock guardian type in appearance and temperament. A large to very large noble, impressive, heavy, robust, massive, powerful body. The head is broad, heavy, and strong. Some wrinkling. The skull is broad and large, broad back skull. Stop deep and well defined. Muzzle broad, full and square. Lips are well-developed, thick, with moderate to large flews, and pendulous lower lips. The muzzle is full with a scissor bite. Eyes are almond shaped, deep set, expressive, well apart, and are dark. Ears are pendant, triangular, carried forward, and set well apart. Ear leather is thick and fur is soft. The nose is wide and black, unless a color other than the base color of black then the nose color is the base color like red coat red nose blue coat blue nose. Mouth is dark in color. 42 teeth. Teeth are large and strong. The neck is powerful, well muscled, moderately arched, with a dewlap. The chest is broad and deep, well-pronounced fore-chest with well sprung oval ribs. Hindquarters are powerful, muscular. Front feet are compact and well arched. The tail may be docked leaving one or two vertebrae or left natural, if left natural it is curled over the back when excited or moving. Dewclaws may be cut, back dewclaws/double dewclaws are common at birth. Coat is thick and ranges from smooth to plush it may be long but is not desired. Thick plush coat is desired for a Rottie working as a flock guardian. The coat color is black/tan, black/rust, black/dark rust, black/mahogany and can also come in red/tan, blue/tan or black, and other colors are excepted in the Roman Rottweiler but not desirable. Gait the Rottie is a trotter. Strong forereach and powerful rear drive. Effortlessly covering the ground.
The very first Rottweilers came in a variety of colors of brindle, gray, yellow and black, yellow and tan, and of course what we still see today very rarely the red and tan, black and tan Rottweilers were the rarest color of them all. The yellow and tan dogs were the most common. And white markings on the face, chest and feet were seen; today?s Rottweiler will often whelp litters with white markings that usually fade with time although some do keep the white. In the first Rottweiler standard brindle was an acceptable color.
What is a Roman Rottweiler what?s the difference between it and the standard Rottweiler? The Roman Rottweiler is a recreation of the original Rottweiler, a mastiff-like Rottweiler who crossed the Alps herding and guarding cattle as well as fighting in the Roman wars with the Romans. It is a larger dog than the standard Rottweiler, who is shorter. The Roman Rottweiler is to the Tibetan Mastiff as the standard Rottweiler is to the Australian Shepherd. Calm, confident, trainable, athletic, courageous, protective, reliable, and devoted. They have a reliable temperament. Protective, he will defend his family fiercely. These are strong fighters that seem immune to pain. Serious, steady and confident. Firm and careful training is essential for this breed, otherwise you may end up with a very powerful and overly aggressive dog. Yet they can, with proper handling, also be loyal, loving and very rewarding companions. They require owners who can handle their massive size. The Rottweiler is a natural guard dog with a mellow temperament. They are highly intelligent and have proven their worth beyond question in police, military, and customs work over many centuries. Because of their size, training should begin fairly young - while the dog is still small, and great care should be taken to ensure that the dog is not made vicious. This breed needs a lot of companionship and socialization to be truly happy. They can be aggressive with other dogs and should be kept on leashes in public places. When the Rottweiler is consistently brought up and trained, it will be a good playmate for the children. It will accept cats and other household pets as long as the dog has had a positive experience with them while it was young. Friends and relatives of the family are normally enthusiastically welcomed. Strangers can get no further than the sidewalk. It is aloof with a wait-and-see attitude; flock guardian Rottweilers have great distaste towards strangers. These dogs are extremely versatile. They can be used for flock guarding, herding, schutzhund, weight pulling, carting, family protector/companion, therapy work, guide dog, agility, water sports, hunting/retrieving, police work, military work, tracking, and obedience.
Males: Height: at least 26 ? inches (67 cm.) Weight: at least 120 Pounds (54 kg.)
26 ? inches ? 27in. 67-69 cm.) - small
27? inches (70 cm.) - medium
28 ? 29 inches (72-74 cm.) - large
30 inches + (76cm.) Extra Large
Height: at least 24 ? inches (63 cm.) Weight: at least 80 pounds (36 kg.)
24? - 25 inches (63-65 kg.) - small
25? ? 26 inches (65 -67 cm.) - medium
27 ? 28 inches - 69 - 71 cm.) - large
29 inches + (74 cm.) - Extra Large
This breed is susceptible to ACL damage. Prone to hip dysplasia. Tends to snore and overeat. Also prone to entropion (narrowing of the slit between the eyelids).
The Roman Rottweiler will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised. They are relatively inactive indoors and a small yard will be sufficient.
The Roman Rottweiler needs plenty of exercise. You can't give these robust dogs too much work or exercise; they thrive on it. They need to be taken on a daily walk or jog. Running in the woods and in open country makes them very happy and they have no desire to wander from you. Swimming or running beside a bicycle are perfect activities for this dog and it also loves retrieving a ball.
About 10-12 years.
The smooth, glossy coat is easy to groom. Brush with a firm bristle brush and bathe only when necessary. Plush coats are also easy to take care of and use a slicker brush, long coats need a bit more attention depending on coat length and thickness. This breed is an average shedder.
The Roman Rottweiler is in a sense an oversized Rottweiler, which are truer to the original dogs which existed hundreds of years ago. There are a handful of breeders who breed this type of Rottweiler. One breeder by the name of Emily Tiscarenio from Colossal Rottweilers was successful in getting the type recognized with the Academic Kennel Records under the name Roman Rottweiler. This recreation of the original Rottweiler is a descent from the Tibetan Mastiff and possibly Italian mastiff. These ancient roman ancestors were inbreeding with local shepherd dogs and fighting dogs. The first written thing on Rotties is 74 A.D. The Romans used this mountain dog during the Middle Ages to herd and protect cattle for the Roman Soldiers crossing the Alps. It had to be big enough to protect and move the cattle that fed the Roman legions and strong and rugged enough physically and mentally in the harsh mountain terrain. They had to be intelligent, willing to work, and have a strong guarding instinct. They were brought to Europe with the Roman invaders legions. Their closest relatives are the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog and the Bernese Mountain Dog, and it is quite possible that the Boxer is related. When the Romans left their cattle with the escort dogs (Rottweilers) settled in Germany due to impassable roads and marshlands, this is when the Germans got a hold to a few specimens of the breed. These areas became Roman territory. One territory was Rottweil built in 74 A.D. When in Rottweil they had to herd the cattle, guard the cattle, keep order in the herd, tame the bulls, get the mean vicious bulls to move, and guard his master and his master?s property including his money bag which he tied around his Rottweiler?s neck, these were no easy tasks. After the Germans acquired the Rottweiler they began to breed it down in size and so was the end of the Roman Rottweiler. Even back then there was great controversy between the small Rottweiler and the big Rottweiler so much as to have fist fights over the matter. The Germans wanted a shorter Rottweiler to better their herding ability. When moving a bull the dog bit the legs until the bull moved. They wanted it shorter so the bites did not destroy the meat quality higher up in the legs. Shorter dogs bit lower on the legs. When taming a bull, the bull had a harder time attacking and injuring the smaller dog so they purposely selected runty dogs in their breeding program. There were others who wanted to preserve the original Rottweiler and this large dog?s powerfulness, guarding abilities, transportation, and big game hunting abilities.
Mastiff, Flock Guardian
What is a Roman Rottweiler what’s the difference between it and the standard rottweiler?
Well it’s the original rottweiler the mastiff-like rottweiler who crossed the Alps herding and guarding cattle as well as fighting in the Roman wars with the Romans. It is a larger dog than the standard rottweiler who is shorter. The Roman Rottweiler is to the Tibetan Mastiff as the Rottweiler is to the Australian Shepherd.

The Roman Rottweiler is a breed under development by Emily Tiscarenio of Von Riesig. The breed was developed as an intense "re-creation" and variant to the Rottweiler, to preserve the original qualities found in the old world style Rottweiler.

The Roman Rottweiler
Roman Rottweiler Breed Standard
Generally the same as standard rottweilers only more mastiff like/flock guardian type in appearance and temperament.

Description: A large to very large noble, impressive, heavy, robust, massive, athleticly built, powerful body. The head is broad, heavy, and strong. Some wrinkling. The skull is broad and large, broad back skull. Stop deep and well defined. Muzzle broad, full and square. Lips are well-developed, thick, with moderate to large flews, and pendulous lower lips. The muzzle is full with a scissor bite. Eyes are almond shaped, deep set, expressive, well apart, and are dark. Ears are pendant, triangular, carried forward, and set well apart. Ear leather is thick and fur is soft. The nose is wide and black, unless a color other than the base color of black then the nose color is the base color like red coat red nose blue coat blue nose. Mouth is dark in color. 42 teeth. Teeth are large and strong. The neck is powerful, well muscled, moderately arched, with a dewlap. The chest is broad and deep, well-pronounced forechest with well sprung oval ribs. Hindquarters are powerful, muscular.

Front feet are compact and well arched. The tail may be docked leaving one or two vertebrae or left natural, if left natural it is curled over the back when excited or moving. Dewclaws may be cut, back dewclaws/double dewclaws are common at birth.

Coat is thick and ranges from smooth to plush it may be long but is not desired. Thick plush coat is desired for a rottie working as a flock guardian. The coat color is black/tan, black/rust, black/dark rust, black/mahogany and can also come in red/tan, blue/tan or black, and other colors are excepted in the Roman Rottweiler but not desirable.

Gait the rottie is a trotter. Strong forereach and powerful rear drive. Effortlessly covering the ground.

Temperament: Calm, confident, trainable, athletic, courageous, protective, reliable, and devoted. It is aloof with a wait-and-see attitude; flock guardian rottweilers have great distaste towards strangers. These dogs are extremely versatile. They can be used for flock guarding, herding, schutzhund, weight pulling, carting, family protector/companion, therapy work, guide dog, agility, water sports, hunting/retrieving, police work, military work, tracking, and obedience.

Adult Size: Generally adult height is reached at a year to two years, and adult weight is reached at 4 to 5 years. The Roman Rottweiler takes longer to mature and is very slow growing than standard rottweilers because it is larger.


Height: at least 26 ½ in. Weight: at least 120lbs. at maturity

26 1/2in. – 27in. small(Good size bracket for service work)<
27½in. medium(Very good size bracket for service work)<
28in. – 29in. Large(Prefered Size, Best size for extensive service work, police work, SAR, ect...)
30in.+ Extra Large(Best size for flock guardian work, personal protection, deterant work, ect...)


Height: at least 24 1/2in. Weight: at least 80lbs.

24½in. - 25in. Small(Good size bracket for service work)
25½in. – 26in. Medium(Very good size bracket for service work)
27in. – 28in. Large(Prefered Size, Best size for extensive service work, police work, SAR, personal protection, ect...)
29in.+_ Extra Large(Best size for flock guardian work, personal protection, deterant work, ect...)

Origin: descended from the Tibetan Mastiff and possibly Italian mastiff also these ancient roman ancestors were inbreeding with local shepherd dogs and fighting dogs. The first written thing on rotties is 74 A.D. The Romans used this mountain dog during the Middle Ages to herd and protect cattle for the Roman Soldiers crossing the Alps. It had to be big enough to protect and move the cattle that fed the Roman legions and strong and rugged enough physically and mentally in the harsh mountain terrain. They had to be intelligent, willing to work, and have a strong guarding instinct. They were brought to Europe with the Roman invaders legions. Their closest relatives are the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog and the Bernese mountain dog, and it is quiet possible that the boxer is related. When the Romans left their cattle with the escort dogs (rottweilers) settled in Germany due to impassable roads and marshlands, this is when the Germans got a hold to a few specimens of the breed. These areas became Roman territory one territory was Rottweil built in 74 A.D. When in Rottweil they had to herd the cattle, guard the cattle, keep order in the herd, tame the bulls, get the mean vicious bulls to move, and guard his master and his master’s property including his money bag which he tied around his rottweiler’s neck, these were no easy tasks. After the Germans acquired the rottweiler they began to breed it down in size and so was the end of the Roman Rottweiler. Even back then there was great controversy between the breeders of the small rottweiler and the big rottweiler so much as to have fist fights over the matter, as you can see the issue is still strong between breeders nor will it probably ever die down. The Germans wanted a shorter rottweiler to better their herding ability because when moving a bull the dog bit the legs until the bull moved they wanted it shorter so the bites did not destroy the meat quality in the legs resulting in the bite being lower on the legs and also that when taming a bull the bull had a harder time attacking and injuring the dog so they purposely selected runty dogs in their breeding program, on the other hand there were others who wanted to preserve the original rottweiler and this large dog’s powerfulness, guarding abilities, transportation, and big game hunting abilities.


Chuyên gia rottweiler
Có 2 dòng rốt là roman rotweiller là rốt cao ( rốt mỹ) và standard rotweiller rốt lùn ( rốt đức) bạn có thể tham khảo trên mạng tìm từ khoá roman rốt
xin phép dẫn đường link ko vi rus về rốt cao roman rốt: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/romanrottweiler.htm theo nó dòng lớn rốt cao là 72-74cm chiều cao còn siêu lớn là trên 76cm còn tối thiểu của dòng cao là 67-69cm rồi.
còn đây là đường link so sánh rốt cao và rốt tiêu chuẩn ( rốt lùn chăng theo cách gọi VN)http://www.colossalrottweilers.com/romanrottweiler.html; http://www.colossalrottweilers.com/
Bạn nào có chuyên môn tiếng anh dịch dùm thì hay quá
theo link của bạn thì Roman Rott được các tổ chức như sau công nhận :

IRUMR = International Roman Utility Molosser Registry
AKR = Academic Kennel Records
CKC = Continental Kennel Club

còn theo đường link http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/rottweiler.htm này thì được các tổ chức như sau công nhận :

CKC = Continental Kennel Club
FCI = Fédération Cynologique Internationale
AKC = American Kennel Club
UKC = United Kennel Club
KCGB = Kennel Club of Great Britain
CKC = Canadian Kennel Club
ANKC = Australian National Kennel Club
NKC = National Kennel Club
NZKC = New Zealand Kennel Club
APRI = American Pet Registry Inc.
ACR = American Canine Registry

vậy theo bạn thì mình nên chơi theo chuẩn nào .


Theo mình bạn nên chơi theo tiêu chuẩn Việt Nam ( tức là theo gu người VN mình thích hình dung về rốt ) như đa số mọi người thôi. VN mình số rốt có sổ đăng ký thuần chủng của các trại ở nước ngoài nhập về chắc chỉ đếm trên đầu ngón tay. Nên có lẽ chơi theo số đông cho nó lành
Không mở trả lời sau này.