• Chào mừng bạn Khách đến với diễn đàn, chúc bạn vui vẻ sinh hoạt cùng cộng đồng Vietpet.
    Diễn đàn đã có sẵn cơ sở dữ liệu tương đối lớn về các vấn đề thường gặp như thú y, huấn luyện, chăm sóc thú cưng..., bạn Khách vui lòng tìm đọc kỹ trước khi gửi câu hỏi.
    Lưu ý: Diễn đàn không chấp nhận ngôn ngữ chat, bài viết không có nội dung ( bài spam).

Trainnee/intern: Strategic planner and digital operation


Cấm truy cập vì vi phạm nội quy
We seek someone who have talent and want to develop his/her career in the marketing marketing industry especially in digital marketing with us.

He/she will assist the planning department with daily tasks. Responsibilities include research projects, creative brief development, and assisting in the daily planning activities (analysis of syndicated and first-person research, conducting/assessing brainstorms).

That person will collaborate with the strategic planning staff to help manage deliverables such as positioning and messaging strategies, as well as strategic and tactical marketing communications contact plans. He/she will also work closely with the Account and Creative teams, ensuring that all client deliverables are “on strategy”.


This position requires a drive to constantly learn, the ability to analyze and synthesize large amounts of data and research, and the ability to clearly share the information. The ability to work in a fast-paced environment with strong interpersonal, communication and team building skills are a must. Must be proficient in PowerPoint, Word and Excel.

*Photohop/IT skill is an advantage over other candidates


Candidate must have graduated or must be working towards a bachelor’s degree to be completed in the 3rd and 4th years, or already graduated.

Compensation: This is a paid internship.

Work Place: Ho Chi Minh City

Preferred language for applications: English


• Basic Salary - Bonus
• Benefits - Healthcare, flexible benefits
• Company’s stock (long-term commitment)


STEP 1: First of all, instead wasting time teaching you what is digital marketing is how it works, you are about to assigned small jobs in big projects, once you are already master the required skills, you will be upgrade to a higher postion, the operation executive.

(After 3 months you will be opted in or out depend on yourself)

STEP 2: Once you are already in the postion of an executive you will be assigned to manged a small campaign or a part of a bigger campaign rather than just small jobs as you were an intern.

(1 year or denpending on how fast you growth to the next level)

STEP 3: After you have master the campaign management skills, and know how to executive the whole digital campaign in all platform and media channels you are about to move up to the senior operation excutive, which means, now you are your master about digital marketing, you are no longer need to learn how each media channel and digital platform works, you know how to reach the target KPIs easily.

(1 year or denpending on how fast you growth to the next level)

STEP 4: Once you are constantly reached over the target KPIs almost given campaigns you will be moved up to the next level which you may choose either to be an strategic planner or an operation manager.

(1 year or denpending on how fast you growth to the next level)

STEP 5: Once are ready and you have mastered all the job’s skill, soft skill and HR management skill and your team is growing fast, your whole team will be upgraded to a small company of the Integration Group, and now you are the managing director of your own company funded by the Integration Group. And your job now is to grow up your own company or see it burn in your hand; it is all depend on you.


Contact: hailong.nguyen@faceinteraction.vn

*Please invest time and effort in your resume; we wont have time for the junk ones.


We are a division of Integration Communication Group, Which has 4 companies:

· I68 - the event organizer bring in the true interaction to the audience
· Idea Market - the hub of all amazing ideas in the region
· Integration - the first born, and the first truly integrated communication agency in Vietnam, which has full marketing departments, PR, Event, Branding, Digital and Creative.
· Escape Party - The first and the biggest entertainment platform in Vietnam, which hold at least 10,000 fans in each event for every quarter of the year.
· TeeTalk - the exclusive distributor for 3D t-shirt in Vietnam


Faceintercation credential 2013 <http://www.mediafire.com/view/g2l4x4wjxlgmoud/faceinteraction_credential_2013_(EN)_(NXPowerLite).pdf>
Integration Communication Agency <http://www.integration.vn>
Thế giới áo thun - Teetalk <http://www.teetalk.vn>
Vươn Tới Kỷ Nguyên Vàng - Escape Vietnam <http://www.escape2013.vn>