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The Cave of the Yellow Dog _ Một bộ phim hiếm hoi về cún của Mongolia (Mông Cổ) !


Được biết dưới cái tên tiếng Anh là The Cave of the Yellow Dog , bộ phim Die Höhle des gelben Hundes (2005) kể về câu chuyện một em bé cùng cuộc sống trên thảo nguyên bao la , và nhiều chuyện xảy ra từ khi cô bé tìm được một chú chó nhỏ , chú sẽ là người bạn thân nhất của cô bé .
Info : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0432325/ (7.4/10)

The little nomad girl Nansal finds a baby dog in the mongolian veld, who becomes her best friend - against all rejections of her parents. Only as the little dog, Zocher, saves the life of the youngest son, father and mother finally see his good soul. A story about a mongolian family of nomads - their traditional way of life and the rising call of the City.

Equal parts documentary, children's story, and narrative drama, Cave of the Yellow Dog is a beautifully filmed adventure that the entire family will enjoy. It's unique on many levels, the most notable being that the charismatic family portrayed in the film are an actual family, and none of them are professional actors. The eldest daughter (played by adorable Nansal Batchuluun) appears to be about 6 or 7 years old. Her life is nothing like that of an American first grader. She goes away to school, returning home during the summers. Nansal cares for younger sister and brother, telling them about how homes in big cities have toilets in the house. She collects dried dung for the family's fire pit and helps her mother cook. And when her father goes to town for a few days, it is Nansal who takes over his chore of leading a herd of sheep to graze in a fuller pasture miles from her home.


Nansal is mature for her age, but she is still a child who can't resist cute animals. So when she finds a small black and white pup holed up in a cave, she adopts him and names him Zochor (the Mongolian equivalent of Spot). Her father--worried that the dog may have grown up feral with a pack of wolves--forbids her to keep the puppy and the viewer is never certain whether Nansal and Zochor will be able to remain together. What sets Cave of the Yellow Dog apart from films such as Lassie and Old Yeller is the breathtaking buttes, vistas, and scenery showcased in the film. Watching the apple-cheeked children squeal with laughter as they play in front of their yurt--their collapsible and movable home--viewers get the sense that they wouldn't choose any other life, even though theirs seems filled with hardship for those of us accustomed to the comforts of modern-day living. The Palme d'Or winner at the Cannes Film Festival, this movie is heartwarming and pragmatic at the same time.


Nhìn em này có phải là" Bạch cẩu hoàng đầu thân bối nguyệt" không hả các bác? Bác nào biết chỉ giúp em nhé! Thanks so much!
hix muốn đến Mông Cổ ở qúa ,nhìn mấy ảnh lại nhớ đến truyện "TôTem Sói " cũng nói về đặc tính của loài sói nhưng không hấp dẫn bằng truyện của Jack London
hix muốn đến Mông Cổ ở qúa ,nhìn mấy ảnh lại nhớ đến truyện "TôTem Sói " cũng nói về đặc tính của loài sói nhưng không hấp dẫn bằng truyện của Jack London