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Invisible Fencing ?


New Member
My brother has a Siberian Husky...and as many of you husky owners know they LOVE to run! We are thinking of getting an invisible fence for her. My question is do any of you have a husky you use an invisible fence with and what is your opinion on it? She would NOT be outside alone and I am not worried about strays due to our area. It just doesn't seem to me an invisible fence would be very reliable?
Thanks for any input!!

Kelvin Vu

Cấm truy cập vì vi phạm nội quy
I wouldn't trust a Husky with an invisible fence.
If a dog wants to get out, she can just run through it. Most dogs that want out bad enough (Huskys definitely want to GO) they will withstand the one shock to get out. Most invisible fences just shock once and when the dog is out of the shock zone (be it inside the "fence" or out) it will stop shocking.
Plus, some people I know had a shock collar on their dog (Similar thing.) and it short circuited and gave the dog a giant burned gash on his neck, they had to rush him to the emergency vet.
If she has a fairly reliable recall, however, and can be called off chasing something, then I think it would be okay to have her in an invisible fence while supervised