• Chào mừng bạn Khách đến với diễn đàn, chúc bạn vui vẻ sinh hoạt cùng cộng đồng Vietpet.
    Diễn đàn đã có sẵn cơ sở dữ liệu tương đối lớn về các vấn đề thường gặp như thú y, huấn luyện, chăm sóc thú cưng..., bạn Khách vui lòng tìm đọc kỹ trước khi gửi câu hỏi.
    Lưu ý: Diễn đàn không chấp nhận ngôn ngữ chat, bài viết không có nội dung ( bài spam).

Dog and cat's friendship continues after death

It was a friendship that could inspire a Disney movie. Oscar the dog and his best friend, Arthur the cat, were inseparable in life.

So, when 17-year-old moggy Arthur died, Oscar was left inconsolable. Their owners, Robert and Mavis Bell, buried Arthur in the garden.

But Oscar's love for his friend would not die – and during the night, he pulled the cat from his grave, carried him inside, laid him in the basket they used to share and gently cleaned him up.

Which is one of those things that's heartwarming when an animal does it, but kind of creepy when a human does the same.

Mr Bell found the pair curled up together in the basket. He said: 'Oscar had watched me bury Arthur. They had been inseparable.'

Arthur is now buried in a secure grave in the garden at the Bells' home in Wigan and Oscar has a new playmate kitten called Limpet.

'He's already very protective of her,' Mrs Bell said.