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How to......a Labrador

Kelvin Vu

Cấm truy cập vì vi phạm nội quy
How to Select a Labrador Retriever
Originally from Newfoundland, this very popular dog was bred to jump into the water and haul fishermen's nets ashore. Today, besides being good family pets, Labs are hunting dogs, search-and-rescue dogs, guide dogs and police dogs, used for detecting drugs and bombs.

Step 1 Choose a Lab if you want a friendly, loyal and affectionate companion. They're not good watchdogs but will bark if there's a reason.

Step 2 Try a Labrador if you're looking for a good family dog. They're excellent with children

Step 3 Feel confident in adopting a Lab if you have other pets; they get along well with everyone

Step 4 Anticipate your adult Lab weighing 60 to 70 lbs. and standing about 23 inches at the shoulder

Step 5 Consider adopting a Lab from a rescue group. Most of these dogs are already housebroken and finished with the chewing stage. There's usually nothing wrong with the dog; the owners didn't research the breed and later discovered that they and the dog were incompatible

Step 6 Remember that Labs tend to be somewhat stubborn, which means that you must be consistent and patient while training them

Step 7 Note that Labs are enthusiastic puppies and are sometimes mistakenly thought to be hyperactive. The main reason people give up their Labs is that they're too active.

Step 8 Be prepared to spend a fruitful 10 to 12 years with your Lab, as this is the average life expectancy of a Labrador retriever.

Kelvin Vu

Cấm truy cập vì vi phạm nội quy
How to Care for a Labrador Retriever
Labrador retrievers are good-natured, people-oriented dogs. They love to be included in family life and are great with kids. Follow these simple steps to care for your lab.

Step 1 Understand Labs don't really reach adulthood until they are three years old, unlike most breeds, which reach it around the age of two.

Step 2 Keep your lab's weight down. Overweight dogs will have more health problems, including heart trouble and arthritis.

Step 3 Learn about the health problems associated with this breed: hip and elbow dysplasia and some eye disorders.

Step 4 Brush your lab once a week with a slicker brush to keep shedding under control

Step 5 Bathe the dog only if it stinks. It doesn't require special grooming and can be washed at home

Step 6 Make sure to trim this dog's nails regularly ' every month ' to prevent foot problems.

Step 7 Remember that labs tend to be somewhat stubborn, which means that you must be consistent and patient while training them.

Step 8 Keep your lab indoors or out. They are moderately active and will be happy in a yard or house

Step 9 Be prepared to enjoy a good 10 to 12 years with your lab, as this is the average life expectancy of labrador retrievers.

Kelvin Vu

Cấm truy cập vì vi phạm nội quy
How to Name Your Dog
Others will see your dog's name as a reflection of the dog's personality or even your own. Choose wisely, but have fun, too

Step 1 Keep the name short, preferably one or two syllables. This will be easier for your dog to learn and remember

Step 2 Choose from a plethora of the usual dog names: Spot, Patch, Poochie, Rover ... or, for the ultimate in typical canine titles, Dog - pronounced "dawg."

Step 3 Match the name to your dog's personality. A noble hound may be fit to be King; a timid pooch may solicit the name Fluffy.

Step 4 Bestow upon your dog the honor of being named after your favorite food: Brownie, Sugar, Cream Puff.

Step 5 Express your sense of humor. Christen your happy Lab Spike, your perpetually growling bulldog Cuddles, or your Great Dane Tim (as in Tiny Tim). :D :D :D

Step 6 Go the creative route. Take your canine companion's name from the title of your favorite book, your current or a past lover, the name of your favorite actor, a line from your favorite song, the street where you grew up.


Chuyên gia thú y
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